Frequently asked questions
First at the Library
In the UC there is especially literature of medicine, chemistry and sports subjects include diploma/disertation thesis and faculty publications. The other subjects (computer technology, psychology, encyclopedias, language dictionaries etc.) are in the library as the handbooks.
You must be registered user (older than 18). Internal university users (listed in Article 4, par. 3 MU Library Regulation) are registered online:
Register to MUNI libraries
The external users (other people not listed in Article 4. par. 3 MU Library Regulation) are obliged to submit the proof of identity (ID,or passport) and pay a registration fee CZK 200. The registration is valid for 1 year. The external users pay CZK 100 for extending the registration for another 1 year.
After registration in one of the MU libraries you can use the UCL services without next registration.
Orientation in the Library
This term means that books are in shleves in the whole library groundgloor and the reader can take and bring them to the loan desk himself.
Books are arranged by their subjects. Subjects have their colors for better orientation. The signature is made by the number code signed a subject category and by four letters code (principle first four letters from the author surname, eventually title, examle: 613.7-HALP for Pediatric radiation oncology by Edward Halperin).
Printed journals located in the library are sorted alphabetically by title and placed in journal shelves - see following map.
Locations of subject, books and journals
Colour labels inform about the loan status: red - presence loan, blue - monthly loan for 30 days, green - semester loan for 90 days.
The labels with RC sign in thr circle (Reserved Collection) are available only for students of study programmes in english at the MU Faculty of Medicine, because the books were bought from their tuition fees at MU FM. Other students can use these documents only as presence loans.
Because these books were bought from the foreign students‘ study payments.
Theses from all three faculties are deposited in store - you must put a request in online catalog. PDF versions of newer theses (from 2006) are accessible online in the catalogue directly.
Borrowing documents
Before the end of loan period you can renew your loan in one of three ways:
- By online catalog (see instructions).
If it's possible, you can renew the document online twice. Renewing is not possible when you already have a fine, or when the document is required by another reader (is reserved).
- You can write an email to You can there briefly explain your situation – how long you need to extend your document if the extension is not possible online.
- In emergency cases, your document can be extended by phone: +420 549 491 328.
This can be caused by one of the following reasons:
- There is a reservation for the book
- You have already extended your book twice
- You have a fine on some of your books
- You have interrupted or graduated from MU
- Your library registration has expired - you need to request an extension
The fee for the monthly and semester loans is CZK 5 per a calendar day. The fee for the presence+ loans (to 12:00 a.m. the next opening day following the day of the loan) is CZK 10 per an hour and this fee is increasing every next hour.
You can pay with cash, with SUPO account. You can send a request from your university email address to for SUPO payment.
The B.M., M.A., PhD and english students can have loaned at most 20 documents; teachers, MU staff and students with specific needs can have lonaed at the most 50 books.
Long-term loans are not limited.
External users (outside of MU) can have loaned at most 5 documents.
The number of loans in the MU libraries isn’t added together.
Only one copy can be borrowed from a given title and edition.
Putting a request on a book is possible in the library catalog katalogu MU after log-in.
Reservation is only possible if all other documents with same status (month or three months) are loaned. Requested document is reserved after returning for 7 days in the library. You will get e-mail with advice the documents is ready for you.
Proceed same procedure like reservation, the differention is you will ask the document with location KUK-sklad. Don’t forget look if the document has status „stay in the library“ or „one month“.
Your asking will be ready until 90 minutes and the document will be prepared to loan on the the charging desk.
The document can be used by other user who is reading it in the study room.
- The document can be recatalogued and after a few days it will be return to study room.
- The document is newly acquired and will be on the shelf in few days
Because by the registration in the library the user and library staff commited to control the loans only for ISIC owner.
We lend books only in exchange for a handwritten signature of the ISIC owner.
Yes, you can tell your UČO at the loan desk, or have another ID.
Call or write to the library and request an extension of the loan period.
Books can be returned to the library by any person, or they can be returned to the return box (location?). Alternatively, books can be returned by mail to the library adress.
Documents outside the Library
Computers, copying, print, internet
It’s impossible because the computers are controled by the Institute of Computer Science in UCC (University Computer Centre) mode that requests user’s university number and the secondary password. The access privileges are added only to valid teachers, staff and students of Masaryk university and to registered external users.
Yes, you can print. Instead of attaching the ISIC, you enter the PIN code on the device (Create a PIN - log with your UČO and secondary password). This PIN is valid for 24 hours after generation and you will be notified of its validity by the university e-mail.
Do you have another question?
Mgr. Eliška Šebestová, DiS.
Loan services coordinator, study support