Frequently asked questions

First at the Library

Which books are in the LUC?

What should I do to borrow the book to home?

I am registered in other MU library and I want to use the UCL services. What should I do?

Orientation in the Library

What does mean a term "Free access"?

How are books and journals arranged in the library?

What does mean the colour labels on the covers?

Why are the books labelled RC for the foreign students only?

Where can I find diploma/disertatione theses?

Borrowing documents

How to extend your loans

Why can't I renew my loan?

How much I pay for late return? What payment do you accept?

How many books can I loan at once?

Can I borrow more items of the same title?

All items are lent out. What to do?

How could I borrow the documents with location store (KUK-sklad)?

Why is a description „Available“ in catalog althoug the document isn’t accessible for the user?

Why cannot I borrow the documents on my friend’s ISIC?

Can I borrow a book when I have forgotten my ISIC?

I can't return books to the library in time - what should I do?

Documents outside the Library

Which electronic databases are available in the library?

Computers, copying, print, internet

Can I use the computers in the LUC if I haven’t the access privileges?

How can I get back my money from my SUPO account?

Can I print in the library if I forgot ISIC?

Do you have another question?

Mgr. Eliška Šebestová, DiS.

Loan services coordinator, study support

Office: B09.121
Phone: 549 49 7065