Electronical resources

Academic staff and students can use a wide range of the online resources which Masaryk University subscribes. The online resources (the electronic information resources) include journals, e-books or facts and provide a scientific content.

See the list of the resources, the searching tools, access information etc. at The Portal of Electronic Information Resources (also in English):

Resources typology and how to work with The Portal of Electronic Information Resources:
Open tutorial

Need to find out whether an electronic version of a journal is available in the subscribed resources?
Use this tool: http://ezdroje.muni.cz/ecasopisy/index.php?lang=en

Need to access resources off campus?
Set remote access: hhttp://ezdroje.muni.cz/vzdaleny_pristup/index.php?lang=en


How to find resources bound to my Domain:

ezdroje.muni.cz - Resources overview - by Domains