Trial access

2011-04-26 07:20

Freely available resources in May:

  • Gale Global Issues in Context - multimedia information resource (fulltexts, videos, images, photographs, podcasts, audio) about global issues (human rights, terorism, globalization, world trade, epidemic, poverty, wars etc.) from different fields (economy, diplomacy, politics, environment, medicine, science, society, culture etc.)
    Access until 18.5.2011.
  • CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library - online archive of more than 570 humanities and social science journals and re-digitized documents pertaining to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European topics.
    Access until 18.5.2011.
  • Set of ProQuest Collections - art, social and natural sciences, technology and others.
    Access until 31.5.2011.
  • Multidomain collection of leading academic publisher Taylor and Francis - more than 1300 journal titles (science and technology, social sciences and humanities).
    Access until 31.5.2011.

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