2015-03-03 12:00
Access for Masaryk University until April 2nd.
Masaryk University has one month trial access to Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry that brings you data on over 5 million chemical compounds, information about 11,000 pharmacological targets, over 25 million bioactivity data points etc.
For access and more information visit: https://ezdroje.muni.cz/prehled/zdroj.php?lang=en&&id=434
You can access the database from university computers (for accessing on pc outside the university network use remote access OpenVPN - read about remote access ).
You can also join these webinars about Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry:
5. 3. 2015 14:00 - James Rinker, Customer Consultant Research Solutions Life Sciences, Elsevier (English)
Registrace: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3861679815034118402
12. 3. 2015 14:00 - Jiří Jirát, Ph.D., VŠCHT (Czech)
Registrace: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4641329216709312514