How to renew a loan

Go to in your web browser.

In the top-right corner, click on Login and:
  • Enter your personal university ID (UČO) and primary password.
  • If you are a registered user but not an MU student or staff member, enter the number on your library card into the UČO field (e.g. 90412345) and the password you received at registration.

You have the option to renew your loans yourself unless another reader has reserved the item or you have outstanding obligations to the library (such as unpaid fines). Items available as monthly loans (labelled with a blue dot on the spine) can be renewed multiple times for a total duration of up to 180 days. Items available as semester loans (green dot on the spine) can be loaned out for up to 270 days.

When the maximum loan period expires, you must return your loans at the lending desk. If you want to keep the books, the desk staff will lend them to you as new loans that can then be self-renewed.

Reader’s account

When you log into your account, you will immediately see information about your currently checked-out items (particularly the due dates). You can also see your loan history, loan requests, etc.


Click on one or more titles and then click on “Renew Selected Items”.